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RACES Sign-up

RACES is the program that links Ham Operators with County Government. RACES is an FCC Radio Service that allows Amateur Radio operators to work with government agencies during emergencies and disasters.

The required background check has been described as similar to the check run on school teachers and volunteers.

The advantage for you as a potential volunteer in an emergency is: If we are called up by the County all serving RACES volunteers are reported to be covered by Workman's Comp insurance thru the County.

This background check does NOT obligate you respond for any event. It only provides some acknowlegement of your interest in helping when needed.

Also, ALWAYS REMEMBER, WE DO NOT SELF DEPLOY. As we say on the Tues Night net preamble. "In the event of an Emergency check on your family first, then check in to a Resource net"

If the situation could benefit from your assistance you will be asked to respond along with details of what/where/what equipment/how long etc. You are never obligated to deploy. You are obligated to complete any assignment you accept. Completing the assignment could include reporting in that you are unable to continue. The important concept is that if we send you out you need to be accountable to us and we need to be accountable to you.

Thanks for considering the request to signup for RACES I hope you will start the process by filling out and returning the forms:

Preferred: The completed forms can be scanned and emailed to

Or: paper mailed to

Tom Tengdin WB9VXY
1355 16th St
Los Osos CA 93402-1423


Tom (T3) Tengdin
Vice President

ARES Sign-up

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of licensed Amateur Radio operators who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. Licensed Amateur Radio operators, regardless of membership in the ARRL or any other local or national organization, are eligible for membership in the ARES. The only qualification, other than possession of an Amateur Radio license, is a sincere desire to serve. Because ARES is an Amateur Radio service, only Amateur Radio operators are eligible for membership.

The SLO County ARES Teams have been established to support the communications needs of the county during communication emergencies and disasters. SLO County ARES teams operate under the direction of the local area ARES Emergency Coordinators (EC) who reports to the District Emergency Coordinator (DEC) for the county

To submit a New, or Renewal application, please download the standard ARES membership application and complete all fields. The completed application can be emailed to the DEC Google account: Or optionally, you may complete the online application form and submit it.

Current members should submit a renewal application annually, or anytime their member information changes (address change, call change, etc.).