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Sample Local Net Script

County-wide Net Control Sign-up and Schedule

The username is "SLOECC" and the password is "ARESRACES". Note the upper-case characters.

County-wide Net Report Form

At the completion of the County-wide Net, the Net Control Station will submit a report to ARES Leadership using the following form:

Tuesday Night Net

Note to person conducting the training net: When you see a bracket in the script that looks like this: [bracket prompt], it indicates a prompt for you. Please read the bracket prompt to yourself and then provide the net with information or direction requested by prompt.

Before starting, identify who will be Net Control for next week at the NET SIGN-UP tab at

**Also pease use the SLO County-Wide Net Report Form to send the results of this NET to the DEC.

[First, tune your radio to 146.670MHz (negative offset, 127.3Hz Tone) or if last Tuesday of month to 444.100 MHz (positive offset, 127.3Hz Tone) and wait until the frequency is clear. Second, read the following script.]

The San Luis Obispo County SLOECC-ARES-RACES Training Net for [Month/Day/Year] is starting now.

Is there any emergency or priority traffic for the Net? If so, call signs only please.
[1. If you receive a call sign, acknowledge it and write it down.]
[2. When no additional call signs are received, process the emergency or priority traffic in the order received.]
[3. If you do not receive any call signs, proceed with the script.]

Good evening SLOECC-ARES-RACES members and guests. This is [state your first name and call sign], Net Control Station for this session of the San Luis Obispo County SLOECC, ARES, and RACES Training Net.

I am operating from [state your general location].

This Training Net meets Tuesdays at 1945 hours local time on the 146.670 MHz primary repeater and on the last Tuesday of the month on the 444.100 MHz simulcast repeaters. All repeaters have a 127.3Hz tone. Please consult the FREQUENCIES tab on the web site for additional repeaters, tactical simplex, and Winlink digital frequencies.

The purpose of tonight's Training Net is to perform a weekly test of emergency communications equipment and exchange information relating to emergency readiness.

In the event of a real emergency such as an earthquake, wildfire, tsunami, or any siren event, first see to the safety of yourself and your family. When secure, please listen to this repeater first! If an Emergency Net and Call-Out is in progress, check in. If this repeater is not working, please listen on the backup repeaters.

This is a directed Net. Please do not transmit unless directed to do so by the Net Control Station.

Are there any announcements? If so, call signs only please.
[1. If you receive a call sign, acknowledge it and write it down.]
[2. When no additional call signs are received, process the announcements in the order received.]
[3. If you do not receive any call signs, proceed with the script.]

Are there any after net contacts to list? If so, call signs only please.
[1. If you receive a call sign, acknowledge it and write it down.]
[2. When no additional call signs are received, announce that contacts will be processed in the order received at the end of the net.]
[3. If you do not receive any call signs, proceed with the script.]

Area Emergency Communications Centers will be checked in at this time, followed by individual check-ins from each area. Reporting ECCs are reminded to record the results of their area net sessions on an ICS-214 form and send to DEC/EC via Winlink or email.

County Groups and individuals standby to check-in.


CENTRAL COUNTY (San Luis Obispo):




Are there any late or missed ECC or individual member check-ins? If so, call signs only please.
[Acknowledge any call signs that you receive, if any, then proceed.]

Visitors who are listening to this training net are invited to check-in at this time. Please give your call sign, first name and general location.
[Acknowledge and welcome any call signs that you receive, if any, then proceed.]

You are invited to attend the SLOECC, ARES, and RACES general membership and training meetings. Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of most months at 1900 hours in the SLO County Agriculture Office auditorium located at 2156 Sierra Way in SLO. Please check the SLOECC website or listen on this net for additional information regarding meetings and training sessions.

The Net Control Station for next week will be:
[1. State the name and call sign from the roster here.]
[2. If you are not sure, ask someone to provide the information.]

Are there any questions, comments or further business for the Net? If so, call signs only please.
[1. If you receive a call sign, acknowledge it and write it down.]
[2. When no additional call signs are received, process the list in the order received.]

This session of the San Luis Obispo County SLOECC-ARES-RACES Training Net is closed at [state the local time].

I will stand by for those wanting further information on SLOECC, ARES or RACES.

This is [state your first name and call sign] thanking you for your participation in this training net. Good night.

[Based upon the request for contacts earlier in the script, please choose one of the following:]

The frequency is clear.


The frequency is clear and after net contacts with other stations may proceed in the order received.

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