A Word copy of this script that you can edit can be downloaded as a docx document.
Note to person conducting the training net: Thanks for serving as the Net Control Station for tonight's training net. When you see a bracket in the script that looks like this: [bracket prompt], it indicates a prompt for you. Please read the bracket prompt to yourself and then provide the net with information or direction requested by prompt. Before starting, identify who will be Net Control for next week with the Google link to the roster is at the end of script. |
[Tune Radio 1 to 146.8600 with 127.3 PL tone]
Is this frequency clear? (wait 10 sec)
The Los Osos - Local SLOECC –ARES-RACES training net is starting at 1900 hours.
Good Evening SLOECC-ARES-RACES members and guests. This is [My Name] , callsign [My Callsign] operating from the Los Osos Fire Station ECC-11. I have the pleasure of being Net Control tonight for our local training net. This Local Training Net meets every Tuesday at 1900 hours local time on the Los Osos repeater on 146.860 negative offset with 127.3 PL tone for any check-ins on this frequency.
The purpose of this Net is to perform a weekly test of emergency communications equipment as well as a check in of local members.
Is there any Emergency traffic tonight:
Nothing Heard, Are there any announcements:
Nothing Heard, I will now take check-ins:
Any Visitors or Guests to the net are also welcome to check in at this time:
[Record all check-ins into the station Log]
[Continue to ask for check-ins every 5 minutes until 1920 hours This is [My Callsign] net control for the Los Osos-Local SLOECC-Ares-Races training net. Are there any more check-ins?]
Hearing no further check-ins, I will continue to monitor until 1930 hours for any further check- ins:This session of Los Osos - Local SLOECC –ARES-RACES training net is now closed:
This is [My Callsign] clear:
[At 1945 hours Tune 146.670 for County net and give total check-ins for Packet and then total check-ins for ECC-11]